
Sawdey supports the Department of Defense and other Federal Agencies with a wide array of strategic and operational support services. Our areas of expertise include Joint Operation Planning and Mission Analysis, Exercises and Wargaming, Command and Control, C5ISR, Security Cooperation, Training, Global Force Management, Threat Reduction, and Logistics. We provide these capabilities across the nation as well as OCONUS locations including USSOCOM, USEUCOM, USINDOPACOM, and USCENTCOM theaters of operation.

Our operational activities support an array of U.S. military services with particular focus on USAF, USCG, and USSF professional services. At the major command and agency level, we are currently providing robust Advisory and Assistance Services to the Defense Logistics Agency, Air Combat Command, Air Mobility Command, and Air Force Material Command…as well as many others. Our team also supports the Defense Threat Reduction Agency with highly specialized subject matter experts.

Sawdey is proud of our 20+ years of operations support and our team of innovative, cross-disciplined professionals that aim not just to fulfill expectations, but to exceed them.