Happy Holidays!

Happy #Holidays from Sawdey Solution Services! We are so grateful for our continued #success thanks to all the hard work and time our employees have committed towards pursuing our mission. In #celebration of this year, we held several holiday parties across the...

2022 Cybersecurity Resolutions

While scam tactics are more sophisticated now than ever, here are three simple but effective ways to keep your personal and company information secure.

Home heating tips to keep safe this holiday season

Heating is the second leading cause of home fires and the third leading cause of home fire deaths. During this holiday season, please be sure you are taking the proper precautions to avoid any home fire tragedies. Here are a few home heating tips for the protection...

Memorial Day

Please remember those who have served and those who have given the ulmate sacrifice during this Memorial Day weekend. We owe much to our service men and women for the luxuries that are afforded to us. Don’t aspire to make a living rather aspire to make a difference....

Happy National Earth Day 2021!

Happy National #earthday2021! As an ISO 9001/ 14001 certified corporate headquarters, Sawdey Solution Services is committed to protecting our local and global environment through the continual evaluation and improvement of our environmental performance. For more on...